
Merry Christmas!

December 25, 2006

I am so excited. I had fun taking pictures of the tree. Yay for cameras that you can take 90 pictures and not have to worry about wasting expensive film. I will probably get a few nice shots tomorrow. This year is a good Christmas for us. I am going to cook a nice breakfast and Tony is going to do the lunch/dinner.

Tony and I already exchanged gifts. He bought me a new digital camera. He gave it to me a month ago. I bought him a scroll saw. He already has opened it as there was no way I could lift it out of the doorway.

Notice how the snow in my village is all crazy?  Well the kids play “village” and snow ends up everywhere.

My family’s Christmas party was last week and was really, really nice. I am so blessed to have the family I do.

Today we went and saw the coolest light show.

I tried to get the video on here, but I guess I can only post a link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRdQCTxzPdQ


  1. Merry Christmas, dear Wendy!

  2. Merry Christmas-Mike cooked dinner today too!

  3. Beautiful pic and lovely family! Hope you had a wonderful day!

  4. wow..I was looking at the first picture and noticed the cross in the shadow on the wall…very cool. Also, I love the twinkle in the second one…and I took pics of the wrist warmers and will email you as soon as I upload them on the computer.

  5. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and I hope that your 2007 is your best year yet. 🙂

    Happy Knitting!!

  6. Hope your Christmas was grand and wish you a very happy anniversary!!!

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